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Chapter 4

What are the advantages of Cloud Native application?

Cloud-Native applications which are typically made up of microservices and ran in containers differ from their legacy counterparts because they are specifically designed for the Cloud from day one and thus can be easily scaled, fixed faster and delivered to users organically

In other words, with cloud and microservices in place, you will be ready to iterate and deploy quickly and more often which essentially makes Cloud Native a powerful, promising technology that companies are understandably eager to leverage. 

Cloud Native systems are designed to embrace rapid change, large scale, and resilience. 

Applications have become increasingly complex with users demanding more and more. Users expect rapid responsiveness, innovative features, and zero downtime. Performance problems, recurring errors, and the inability to move fast are no longer acceptable. 

Cloud Native is really about speed and agility. Business systems are evolving: they are weapons of strategic transformation that accelerate business velocity and growth. It’s imperative to get ideas to market immediately. 

As you can imagine the possibilities of Cloud Native development are nearly endless and easily adapt to all industries, but let’s break down some of the key benefits for your business.

  • CLOUD NATIVE: An architecture for assembling Cloudbased components in a way that is optimized for the cloud environment.
  • DEVOPS: A set of practices that combines software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops).
  • CONTINUOUS DELIVERY: A software engineering approach in which teams produce software in short cycles.
  • MICROSERVICES: An architectural design for building a distributed application using containers.
  • CONTAINERS: Used to run small micro-services or software processes to a larger application.