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Launch of Science & Positive Innovation: Le Club

We are very proud to be a partner for the launch of “Science & Positive Innovation”, Le Club by SparkNews and SoScience, on July 9, 2018 at the Schoolab, Paris.

The aim of Le Club is to bring together Research and Innovation Directors, as well as CIOs, who are concerned about the positive transformation within their companies, so we can share their vision, understand their approach, and learn from their best practices.

Topic of this launch evening: “Artificial Intelligence for Good”, with the presence of M. Jean-Gabriel Ganasica, Research Director in AI and Chairman of the Ethics Committee at CNRS.

The rise of new technologies is transforming every aspect of our lives: health, education, work, transportation systems, etc.

This change is happening at light speed, as never seen before.

At Devoteam, we believe that Technology will continue to transform the world positively, as long as it includes human values and holds a vision for the greater human good.

We shape technology so that it adapts to people, it becomes technology at the service of people. Technology for People.