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Cybersecurity for Holiday and Travel: Protecting Your Digital Assets While Away

We’ve reached the holiday months. And regardless of your destination or where you choose to stay, you will still want to be connected.

Nowadays, many travellers rely even more on technology to enhance their experiences. To enjoy your destination and a peaceful holiday while away from home, follow a few simple practices to help you keep your devices safe.

Keep your devices safe in public places

While travelling make sure you keep your devices safe in public places such as airports, hotels and restaurants. Also, be aware if someone tries to steal information by spying on your device’s screen while you are using it. Consider using a privacy screen on your device to restrict visibility.

Avoid free Wi-Fi

Although connecting to free public Wi-Fi sounds like a great idea, it’s generally not secure and can expose your devices and personal information to cybercriminals. Instead, use a VPN or your hotspot as your access point when online.

Software updates

All operating systems, on your devices, have built-in security systems that receive regular updates from the manufacturer. Keep them up to date and check them before you travel.

Disable automatic connection on your devices

If your device automatically connects to Wi-Fi networks or Bluetooth devices, disable it and do it manually only when you want to.

Avoid sharing computers

If you are using computers in hotel business centres, for example, avoid making purchases or logging into your email, as you have no way of confirming that the systems are up to date with the latest security software or that the devices are secure.

Travel with the bare minimum

Limit the amount of devices you carry with you, reducing any risks.

Check your settings

Configure privacy and security settings on web services and apps. Try to limit how and with whom you share information (such as location tracking) – especially when you are away.

Set up the “find my phone” option

This will allow you to find, remotely clear data and/or disable the device if it falls into the wrong hands.

Think twice before sharing photos on social media

Think twice before sharing photos on social media that indicate you are away. Wait until you get home to share your holiday memories. If a cybercriminal has access to your social media, they can track your location and use that information to break into your hotel room or even your home and steal valuables while you are away. Always be cautious about what you share on social media, especially when it comes to letting people know where you are and where you are not.