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Devoteam Foundation aims to act wherever our collaborators are: an impactful mid-year!

Pro bono work, donations and labs, a complete overview of the first half of 2022.


In 2022, the TechForPeople program aims to act wherever Devoteamers are. In partnership with makesense; 11 labs were organized in France. Overall this has provided support to 33 non profit organizations so far this year .We were also able to welcome our colleagues from Belgium and Morocco who organised labs at the beginning of 2022.

“50 consultants and managers from Devoteam have been involved in labs so far in 2022: emulation and collaboration at its finest to tackle digital challenges”

Devoteam Belgium provided their support to Scunetta association. Scunetta is a project to help you spend less personal time on screens in order to fight against the mental and environmental consequences of an excess of digital connectivity.

“Liked the challenge, met colleagues from others entities”

Devoteam Africa supported Douar Tech Association, which is a non-profit Moroccan tech hub that contributes to improve the resilience of vulnerable youth.  More specifically women from rural and peri-urban communities, through training in innovative entrepreneurship, digital, and professional development skills. 

“So nice to be able to contribute to meaningful projects”

Devoteam France also contributed to Happyculteur, MamaPap Kitchen, Clic&Moi Ecostar, MicroFarmMap and NamR through 2 intensive labs. 

More labs are planned in Portugal, the Netherlands and Luxembourg this year, aiming to help NGOs and associations unleash their full digital potential.

“This has been a lot of fun, and a lot of learning, especially with the different perspectives I got from the groups. So thank you for everything you’ve given us, and I hope we can continue working on this together.”

Associations supported:


As usual, the Foundation launched its annual Call for Projects. A program created to support associations with which Devoteamers are involved.

This year, the social impact extends to 24 countries, where Devoteamers act as volunteers or supporters. An overall donation of 95,000 euros has been distributed to this associations in order to support their actions.

Congratulations again to the 54 employees selected for the 16th call for projects of the Devoteam Foundation.


Associations and Devoteamers have been involved thorugh Probono work for over 12 years. Taking into consideration that as an IT company, our skills are highly regarded and have been field-proven with years of experience with our clients. Our objective is to donate those valuable skills to social and nonprofit ecosystems whose actors often lack the resources to transform digitally and therefore, to maximise their social impact.

Durin the first half of the year, 15 associations were supported in 6 countries/


For the 4th consecutive year, we participated in the Tech For Good Tour organised by our partner Latitudes. Thus we organised an awareness-raising workshop at Devoteam with the CSR France team for our employees. Our main objective was to accelerate the reflections of participants and subsequently their actions, increasing their commitment and building a more responsible tech.

 #DigitalSobriety #TechForGood #Responsibility

Stay tuned: more to come by the end of the year!