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Employees: the key to digital transformation

By improving workplace well-being, collaboration tools change employee relationships with the company: happy workers are twice as likely to be mobilised.

In 2020, over 250 billion emails will be exchanged globally each day. B2C eCommerce sales will reach $3.9 trillion USD (versus $1.3 trillion USD in 2014). There are already no less than 3 billion active mobile social users around the world. Digital has seeped into all of our relationships, be they commercial, administrative, personal, professional, or even in our role as a citizen. This digital deluge is characterized by an increasing speed and an unstoppable volume of information sometimes resulting in stressful situations. Thus, the need to preserve time for rich, human interactions has become vital for each of us, both at home and at work.

For a few years now, companies have strongly focused on customer experience to digitally transform their market. But what about employee experience? On one side of the coin, for instance, when asked “Are you concerned about the future of your company?”, one out of four French workers replied “No, I’m working mainly to get paid”. On the other side of the coin, the main factors that motivate happy and engaged workers relate to the quality of their work life, the meaning of their work and flexibility. Regarding these matters, we at Devoteam are convinced that collaborative solutions are truly effective levers to transform employee experience. This topic was at the very heart of our discussions and sharing of experiences during our Digital Workplace Taskforce which we led with the EBG.

Our findings are that, if this topic is not addressed appropriately and in a very tangible way, the resulting employee experience can be silently eroded and downgraded, potentially impacting the customer experience, both indirectly and symmetrically. Moreover, a weak employee experience can lead to the attrition of some of the most talented employees. As such, the challenges are quite high. Based on their own experience and maturity on collaborative solutions, the participants of the taskforce identified the main stakes and brakes for a successful project of deployment. We wish you an insightful read!

Learn more about the role of employees in Francis Poirot’s article “Employees: the key to digital transformation” in our white paper with the EBG here.